Effective 0200 GMT 28 November 2002 a new network of air routes
connecting Australia, Asia, the Middle East and Europe will be implemented.
Passengers can expect flight times to be shortened up to 30 minutes and an
estimated 103,000 minutes of ground delays should be eliminated for departures to Europe from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. For
airlines, the benefits of more efficient routes in fuel savings alone will be
reduced costs by a conservative estimate of US$55 million per year.
Giovanni Bisignani, IATA Director General and CEO said "This is a shining
example of how an industry-led solution can produce real benefits for consumers and the environment along with reducing costs. This is the
culmination of great efforts and outstanding cooperation by IATA, ICAO, national governments and our member airlines."
IATA began the process of reforming the route structure following a meeting
in Singapore in February 2000. IATA was tasked by its member airlines to
review air traffic flows along the entire Kangaroo route from Australia to
Europe with a goal to improving safety, reducing costs, and increasing both
efficiency and environmental friendliness.
David Behrens, IATA regional director for Safety, Operations and
Infrastructure said, "We quickly realized that what was required was bigger
than anything we had ever done before. Government cooperation was essential and we approached our partners at the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), the UN agency responsible for aviation matters."
ICAO rose to the challenge and IATA played a leading role in the ICAO
Europe, Middle East, Asia Route Structure South of the Himalayas (EMARSSH) task force whose work has resulted in the reformed route
structure. In the process, at least 21 states, airlines, military agencies and the
air navigation chart maker Jeppeson contributed to the largest ever route
overhaul in civil aviation. Commented Behrens, "the success of the EMARSSH project is clearly demonstrated what can be accomplished
through international teamwork and mutual understanding. Everyone is a winner, including the environment and the travelling public."
That is not the end of the story. "To cope with future growth, we will
eventually need to move towards a User Preferred Route (UPR) system that
would let airlines file optimized flexible routes based on daily wind patterns.
In the meantime, EMARSSH has given the industry a robust route structure
and, perhaps more importantly, it has demonstrated that there are no limits
on what can be accomplished with hard work and cooperation." |