In June of this year, the Tao Yuan prosecutor recommended that charges against Captain Foong Chee Kong and First Officer Cyrano Latiff, who were involved in the SQ006 accident in Taipei on 31 October 2000, should be conditionally suspended for three years. These conditions included their performing 240 hours of community service in Singapore, and not operating into Taipei for one year, with effect from 1 July 2002. This recommendation was subject to affirmation by the High Prosecutor in Taiwan.
The Tao Yuan prosecutor decided that no charges should be made against the third pilot, First Officer Ng Kheng
Two days ago (24 July 2002) Singapore Airlines (SIA) received confirmation that the High Prosecutor's Office in Taipei had affirmed the recommendation of the prosecutor in Tao Yuan.
In a related development, SIA says that it has terminated the services of Captain Foong and First Officer Latiff in accordance with their terms of employment. The services of First Officer Ng Kheng Leng have not been terminated.