Mr Mark Lettenbichler, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, and Mr George Magnus, BBS, OBE, Deputy Chairman of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd have been re-appointed Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) Members for a further term of three years, with effect from 1 November 2002 until 31 October 2005.
HKTB Executive Director Ms Clara Chong warmly welcomed the re-appointment. "Both Mr Lettenbichler and Mr Magnus, who are respectively the Chairman of the Hong Kong Hotels Association and Vice Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Hotels Owners, have a thorough understanding of the hotel market and have shared with us their invaluable views relating to the hotel industry," Ms Chong said. "Capitalising on their support, I look forward to developing an even closer working relationship with local hoteliers, who are an important sector of the tourism industry," she added.
Ms Chong noted that during the period Mr Lettenbichler has been General Manager of the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, the hotel has received a number of prestigious awards and is renowned for its outstanding quality and customer service. As a major publicly listed company, Cheung Kong is responsible for building top-grade hotels and other noteworthy projects, which have added new visual appeal to the city.
Ms Chong said that with their wide scope of experience, Mr Lettenbichler and Mr Magnus contributed strength to the Board, which would continue to play a key role in the further development of tourism in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong SAR Government appoints the 20 HKTB Members, who represent a broad spectrum of industries. The Board is headed by its Chairman, The Hon Mrs Selina Chow, GBS, OBE, JP and Vice Chairman, Secretary for Economic Development and Labour or the Commissioner for Tourism.
Other Members of the HKTB include:
Mr Philip Chen, SBS, JP, Director and Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Pacific
Airways Ltd
Mr Stanley Ko, JP, Director, Jardine Pacific Ltd
Mr Paul Chiu, Managing Director, PC Tours & Travel
Mr Chung Po-Yang, SBS, OBE, JP, Chairman, DHL International (Hong Kong) Ltd
Mr Patrick Yeung, Managing Director, Cathay Pacific Holidays Ltd
Mr Dick Kaufman, Executive Director, DKA (Asia) Ltd
Mr Robert Chow, Executive Director, Premier Printing Group
Mr George Magnus, BBS, OBE, Deputy Chairman, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd
Mr Mark Lettenbichler, General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong
Prof Andrew Chan, Chairman, Consumer Council
Mr Chau Kam Piu, Managing Director, Hoi Kong Travel Ltd
Mr Yu Pang Chun, Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Management Association
Mr Adolf Hsu, JP, Managing Director, New World First Bus Services Ltd
Ms Wailee Chow, Architect Director, Wailee Design Architects Ltd
Mr Michael Hui Koon-Man, , Honourable President, Hong Kong Performing Artists Guild
Mr Tang Kwai Nang, JP, Chairman Emeritus (Asia Pacific), AC Nielsen
Mr James Wu, Chairman, Maxim's Caterers Ltd
Mr Michael Sze Cho-Cheung, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council |