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Visitor arrivals to Macau reached a history record of nine million in 2000

Travel News Asia Date: 5 January 2001

Gold dragon and lion dance welcomed the nine millionth tourist visiting Macau in 2000.

A Hong Kong resident Ms Fu Yeok Ling was surprised when she found herself welcomed by the officials of the Government Tourist Office and a team of lion dancers upon her arrival at the Jetfoil Terminal on December 30.

A gold dragon was presented to the lucky Ms. Fu by the Director of the Government Tourist Office, Mr. João Costa Antunes.

Ms Fu, who came with her family to spend the weekend in Macau, said that she had found Macau a beautiful city with many interesting places for visitors.

Mr. Antunnes said that After Macau's return to China, with favourable conditions such as the recovery of economy in the neighbouring countries and regions and the restoration of public order in the territory, tourism in Macau had also improved significantly.

In the future, the government will focus on prolonging the staying time of tourists in Macau, as well as attracting more tourists from traditional and new markets.

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