The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has signed an agreement with the
Singapore Taxi Academy (STA) today to introduce a new Taxi Tourist Guide
scheme in Singapore. The first of its kind in the world, this scheme enables
visitors to experience and tour Singapore in a taxi driven by a licensed
professional Tourist Guide.
This scheme is in line with the STB's efforts to liberalise the tourist guide
sector. The aim is to encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and vibrancy
within the tourism industry and provide visitors with a wider range of
tourism products and services. Specially catered for smaller groups, the
Taxi Tourist Guide scheme aims to assure visitors of dedicated attention and personalised services.
Mr Gerald Lee, the STB's Assistant Chief Executive (Leisure) said: "For the
period from 1998 to 2002, we have seen an average annual growth of 9.4% in Frequent Independent Travellers (FIT) and free-and-easy travellers. With
the increasing number of FIT and free-and-easy travellers, it is timely to
introduce the Taxi Tourist Guide scheme. The scheme is a refreshing and interesting alternative to touring Singapore. Visitors can enjoy Singapore at
their own pace, in a taxi driven by a qualified Tourist Guide who is professionally trained to provide insightful perspectives and in-depth
commentaries on Singapore."
Mr Seng Han Tong, Chairman of STA said: "It is exciting to see taxi drivers
carving a new niche by enhancing the value of their profession with tour
guiding services. This new Taxi Tourist Guide scheme also offers taxi drivers the opportunity to widen their career prospects."
The agreement enables the STB and STA to collaborate and leverage on
each other's resources and expertise to institutionalise the Taxi Tourist
Guide scheme within a formalised training and regulatory framework which
includes training on tourism attractions and guiding techniques, as well as
regulatory functions and systems to ensure the provision of excellent and
professional guiding services in Singapore.
The Taxi Tourist Guides will be required to own a valid Taxi Driver
Vocational Licence (TDVL) before they are allowed to attend the Taxi Tourist Guide course that is approved by the STB. The total training
duration is about 82 hours and the course stretches from two to three and a
half months. Currently, 238 taxi drivers are under-going the course. Upon
completion of the course, the taxi drivers are required to sit for written and
practical assessments. They are expected to complete their assessments between March and April 2004. Candidates who passed the assessments
will be issued with the Taxi Tourist Guide Licence.
Working closely with STA and the Land Transport Authority of Singapore
(LTA), the STB has also developed a regulatory framework to handle issues
and feedback related to the Taxi Tourist Guide scheme. A committee comprising representatives from the STB, STA and LTA will meet regularly
to discuss these issues. Key
Criteria to Qualify as a Taxi Tourist Guide To qualify for a Taxi Tourist Guide Licence (TTGL), the applicant is required
meet the following key criteria: a) Be a Singapore citizen b) Be at least 30 years old as required for Taxi Driver Vocational Licence c) Possess a valid Vocational Licence prior to the date of application d) Has a good grasp of the language in which he/she is guiding in e) Be medically fit In addition, the applicant is required to attend a Taxi Tourist Guide course
conducted by STA and the Tourism Management Institute of Singapore. Upon completion of the course, the applicant is required to sit for written
and practical examinations. The applicant will be issued with the Taxi Tourist Guide Licence if he/she passed both the written and practical
examinations. |