Cathay Pacific
has set up a Soccer Players Scholarship Programme which is to sponsor 30 children, aged 12 to 15,
to participate in the Manchester United Soccer School in Hong Kong, the club’s first in Asia, starting this October. The objective of the scholarships is to encourage students
who perform well in both academic and extracurricular activities like soccer to enrich their learning experience and
soccer skills. The Cathay Pacific Soccer Players Scholarships will cover the enrolment fees of HK$4,500 for the
Weekdays School and HK$5,400 for the Weekends School.
Application forms will be distributed to all secondary schools in Hong Kong through the Hong Kong Schools Sports
Foundation in early September 2004 and can also be downloaded from Cathay Pacific’s website. Each school will have the opportunity to nominate one student most suitable for the
programme by 21 September. Cathay Pacific will select a total of 60 students out of all the nominees to participate in
a unique Soccer Skill Test Day at the Hong Kong Football Club on 27 September 2004, where they will be evaluated
by the MUSS coaching panel which includes two Manchester United Soccer Schools coaches. From this pool, the
final 30 players with the best soccer ability will be selected and offered the Cathay Pacific Scholarships.
Eligible students for the Cathay Pacific Soccer Players Scholarships Programme must be between 12 and 15 as of 1
October 2004 with a great interest in soccer and a commitment to improving their soccer skills. All Scholarship
applicants will be asked to complete a special application process that includes detailing their educational, soccer
and extra-curricular achievements and providing a 150-word creative writing sample on why they want to attend the
Manchester United Soccer School in Hong Kong. Eligible students must also get recommendations from their
Physical Education instructors. |