In a keynote address to CIMEX - the Caribbean
Media Exchange Geoffrey Lipman, Special Advisor to the Secretary General of
the World Tourism Organization - said that Tourism should be the leading
issue for Caribbean States in trade and development strategies.
He said that "The world economy needs a successful Doha Development Round
and tourism should be an important part of the final package with balanced
and structured liberalization to help develop the export economies of the
world's poorest countries."
He contrasted the worldwide fall in basic commodity prices in the past 3
decades and the reduction in trade preferences with the sustained growth of
Tourism Services & increasing developing state participation in this sector.
"The countries of greatest need in the fight against poverty are also
areas with massive tourism opportunity. They abound in culture, nature and
tradition that tomorrow's tourists are seeking. Africa with its unique wildlife and wide open
spaces, Central America with its ecotourism, the Indian Ocean with its pristine
waters and the Caribbean with its rich history, tropical climate and magnificent
"All developing countries have tourism export potential - it is already
one of the top sources of investment and foreign exchange. And the good
news is that over the past decade tourism to poor countries grew at twice
the rate of OECD states"
This service sector par excellence should be a priority in trade and
development policies worldwide. The poor countries have a 21st century export leader, the
industrialized countries have the advanced industry and the consumers with
disposable income to support the development process and take an active part in
the benefits. Tourism is a win-win for developed and developing.
Lipman also said that "the World Tourism Organization as the new UN
Specialized Agency responsible for tourism was committed to the integration
of the Millennium Goals in this pivotal sector of the world economy. He
cited its "Liberalization with a Human Face" strategy, its special Africa
Program, efforts to bring increased air service to poor countries and the
ST-EP initiative to raise funds to promote sustainable tourism projects which help eliminate poverty."
In re-iterating WTO-OMT's commitment to the Caribbean he said the
organization would increase its trade & development support to the region
and increase collaboration with regional institutions like CTO & CHA, as
well as NGO's like Counterpart & Conservation International. |