The British Airways Concorde enthusiasts' auction
came to a close on Saturday raising a total of 532,000.
Bidders were logging onto the Dovebid auction site from as far afield as Australia,
China, Hong Kong, the USA and Europe and ranged from individual fans to professional dealers.
Prices ranged from 13 for giftware such as commemorative picture frames and
ashtrays, to 115,000 for one of the nose cones.
Key items sold were:
A toilet cubicle for 1,965
A pilot's chair for 1,310, two cabin crew seats for 196.50 each and a pair of
passenger seats for 2,620
A machmeter for 885
A visor and droop nose selector switch for 4,585
A Rolls-Royce - SNECMA Olympus 593 twin air intake system sold for 2,358.
A rudder section went under the hammer for 3,733.50
A 12 place Royal Doulton dinner service for 786
Captain Mike Bannister, former Chief Concorde pilot said: "I'm delighted that so
many people took part in the auction and have been able to buy their very own
piece of Concorde history."
Ross Dove, chairman and chief executive officer of DoveBid added: "Dovebid is
very honoured to have conducted this wonderful project on behalf of British
Airways and by offering the assets via a 'Webcast Auction' buyers from over 25
countries around the globe were able to successfully purchase
assets." |