Intelligent Spas, an independent spa industry research company, has published
the official results of a Spa Consumer Survey featuring the latest behaviours
and preferences of spa goers from across the Asia region. Conducted in conjunction
with Spa Asia Media, publisher of consumer magazine Spa Asia, the findings outline habits relating to visitation, spending, travel
planning, preferences and opinions. The report also highlights specific analysis
on spa consumers from Singapore.
Some key findings from the survey are summarised below:
· Massage was stated as the favourite treatment by 54% of respondents.
· The majority typically spent US$70 or less at a day spa.
· 34% of respondents only visited spas when they
· 93% looked for a spa resort or day spa whilst
· 85% stated pure relaxation was the main reason for taking a spa vacation.
· 31% of respondents were still not sure where their next spa vacation would be.
· 42% of respondents regularly practiced yoga.
Julie Garrow, Director of Intelligent Spas, stated “the aim of the survey was to
identify the collective opinions of spa consumers and report these to spas
owners, managers and other stakeholders in the spa industry to assist their
business decisions. The analysis is a key tool in guiding the future direction of the
spa industry.”
Michael Loh, Group Publisher of Spa Asia Media, stated "SpaAsia and SpaTrade
Journal are designed respectively for the readers' and the trade's benefits. With
that in mind the only way we can effectively deliver what our readers want would
be to understand their needs and opinions through these carefully designed
surveys. Such efforts are realised with the assistance of a professional and
specialised analyst such as Intelligent Spas.”
The detailed findings and analysis are incorporated in the Spa Consumer Survey
Asia 2003 report, which is available for purchase online at |