The member airlines of Star
Alliance today agreed on a plan to implement global electronic ticketing capabilities by the
end of 2004.
"Once more Star Alliance demonstrates its leadership role in the airline
industry by implementing a global standard for a simple, seamless, efficient
and customer friendly product." said Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Chairman and CEO of Lufthansa German Airlines on behalf of the leadership of the Star
Alliance, meeting in Tokyo today.
In customer surveys around the globe e-tickets belong to the most
demanded service offerings of airlines easing the way from "buying" to "flying". Without having to carry traditional paper ticket documents
passengers can check-in for travel by using no more than a personal identification (credit- or mileage program card). All travel data is available
throughout the trip, lost tickets are no longer an issue.
Creating the technical
capabilities to use electronic tickets across the whole Star Alliance network
in a short timeframe became possible with the help of a highly integrated
IT-infrastructure (called STARNET). This unique network was created by all
member carriers of Star Alliance after its foundation in 1997.
Mr. Mayrhuber said, "Our alliance was created with an emphasis on adding
value to the international traveling public. Rolling out this new product will
simply underline our continued commitment to make the latest technologies
work in favor of our customers." |