has named Mr. Peter Cheong (Cheong Sing Nam) to head up the establishment of the new Amadeus office in Hong
Kong. He will be responsible for all aspects of National Marketing Company
(NMC) operations.
Amadeus Hong Kong Ltd., Amadeus Global Travel Distribution's new wholly
owned National Marketing Company for Hong Kong and Macau, was established in August 2003, and is expecting to open the doors of its new
office in September 2003.
Peter, currently the Director of NMC Development with Amadeus Asia Pacific,
has 22 years' experience in the travel and tourism industry, including four
years as Regional Manager for the Hong Kong Tourist Association (1983-1987).
Peter also led the start-up of Amadeus in Singapore, where he was General
Manager for two years (1998 -1999). Under his leadership Amadeus in Singapore gained a market share of more than 12% in its first year-and-a-half
of operations, and currently claims a market share of 23%.
Amadeus recently also named Mr. Dan Devane, one of Amadeus' most
experienced Help Desk managers, as part of a team of seven highly experienced professionals (five of whom are Cantonese speakers) to be
joining Amadeus' new office in Hong Kong.
Peter expects Amadeus to make a dramatic impact on the market behind its
focus on the delivery of world-class customer service and support, and the full
range of Amadeus products tailored to the needs of travel agents in Hong
Kong. Most recently, Amadeus signed Griffin Travel (HK) Ltd., and expects to
be able to secure a market share of 20% within three years.
Peter speaks English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese and other major Chinese
dialects. He holds Diplomas from both the Institute of Marketing (United
Kingdom) and the British Institute of Management.