Figures issued today by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) show that
visitor arrivals for May 2003 plunged 67.9% in the wake of the Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, reaching only 427,254 compared with the 1.33 million visitors welcomed in the same month last year. This fall
is even more severe than that recorded for April, when arrivals dropped by
Nevertheless, there are comforting signs that the worst is now over as the
slippage eased to 59% in the final six days of the month, following the lifting
of the travel advisory by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 23 May. In
comparison, arrivals were down nearly 79% in the first five days of May, at
the height of the SARS crisis.
HKTB Executive Director Clara Chong said she expected to see a continued
steady revival from now on. "We are already starting to see visitors coming
back, especially from Mainland China, although other key markets like the
US, UK, Southeast Asia, Korea, Taiwan and Australia are also showing gentle recovery. Early indications are that the fall in June will be around
40%, which is a considerable improvement," she commented.
"The news earlier this week that the WHO has delisted Hong Kong as a
SARS-affected area will add further momentum to the recovery. As we announced then, our revival campaign will enter its next phase on 13 July
with the launch of our Hong Kong Welcomes You! promotion. The many amazing air and hotel offers that our tourism partners have put in place to
entice visitors here, coupled with alluring offers from retailers, restaurants
and other service providers when they arrive, should help us to package a
wide range of offers for different markets, according to their travel readiness
and preferences, and thus generate early arrivals."
Ms Chong added that the Global Revival Campaign had gained enthusiastic
support from industry partners throughout the community. The hotels have
unprecedentedly united together to launch a global 'Be Our Guest' campaign, offering one night's stay free for every two purchased. Various
airlines have to date offered some 25,000 free tickets for visitors to come to
Hong Kong. Many dining establishments are making enticing "buy one, get
one free" offers, and more than HK$10 million worth of prizes have been pledged for the Lucky Draw, to provide added incentives for visitors to come
to Hong Kong and spend.
For its part, the HKTB has already hosted almost 500 front-line travel trade
staff and media guests, so that they can see for themselves that life in Hong
Kong is back to normal, and spread the good word to travellers in their home countries.
"These efforts will all help us to regenerate arrivals in the short term," Ms
Chong explained. "The longer-term aim is to build sustained growth through
a global advertising campaign showcasing Hong Kong's core strengths, and a series of mega-events continuing right through to March 2004.
However, we have to accept that arrivals are unlikely to return to their
previous levels until sometime next year."
Ms Chong encouraged Hong Kong residents to support the HKTB's
recovery efforts by phoning, e-mailing, or sending postcards or SMS messages to their friends and relatives worldwide, telling them that Hong
Kong was ready to welcome visitors back. "Tell them that there has never
been a better time to visit Hong Kong in terms of value and excitement," she
Analysis by Markets, May and Jan-May 2003
All markets were severely affected by the SARS crisis in May, most showing
downturns of between 85% and 90%. As in April, however, arrivals from Mainland China showed the smallest impact, declining 42.7%.
Cumulatively, arrivals for the first five months of 2003 now stand at 17.5%
down compared with the same period in 2002, although arrivals from the Mainland are still recording positive overall growth of 12.3%. All other
markets are now showing negative overall growth of between 30% and 40%.
Same-Day Visitors
In May 2003, 43.8% of all visitors continued to other destinations on the
same day as arrival, compared with only 34.7% for the same month in 2002.
The likely reason for this increase is that many of those visitors who still
came, especially short-haul business visitors, preferred to stay in Hong
Kong for no longer than necessary. Some 84.4% of all visitors from Taiwan
left again on the same day as arrival. In contrast, however, 61.3% of visitors
from the Mainland stayed for one night or longer, as did 60.6% of those from
the Americas.
For the first five months of 2003 to date, 61.9% of all visitors have stayed for
one night or longer, compared with 64.5% over the same period in 2002.
Hotel Occupancy
Average occupancy rate across all categories of hotels and tourist guest
houses in May was only 18%, compared with 83% in May 2002. This figure is
even lower than the 22% recorded in April, despite special offers attracting
patronage from some local residents. Hotels in the top tariff category were
the most severely affected by the downturn, averaging only 14% occupancy
compared with 78% a year earlier.
The true impact of SARS on the hotel sector may well have been even
greater, as hotel occupancy rates are based on the average number of rooms available for the given period. A number of hotels have closed entire
floors of their properties to reduce operational costs, or taken advantage of
the downturn to bring forward renovation programmes. Both actions reduce
available room supply.
In May 2003, occupancy rates were based on 30,627 available rooms, which
represents 79.9% of a total inventory of 38,320 rooms in establishments responding to the HKTB's surveys.
Cumulatively, occupancy for the first five months of 2003 now stands at
58%, compared with 83% for the same period in 2002. |