Cathay Pacific Airways today welcomed Taiwan's decision to lift its
quarantine policy on visitors from Hong Kong and announced that it will restore flights to Taipei on a gradual basis.
This is in line with the airline's earlier announcement to reinstate its full
schedule by the end of September. Cathay Pacific will operate eight daily
flights to Taipei from 1 July and 12 daily services from 1 August. It will
restore its original 103 flights per week from 1 September.
To mark the easing of travel restrictions on Hong Kong visitors, Cathay
Pacific has joined with the Taiwan Visitors Association and some local travel
agents to create an attractive four-day tour to Taipei for just HK$1,099. Hong
Kong travellers can check with their local travel agent for details. The airline
is also working closely with the travel industry in Taiwan on offers to lure
visitors to Hong Kong.
As a key player in the local travel industry, Cathay Pacific has been working
hand-in-hand with various travel industry partners to boost inbound and outbound tourist numbers in Hong Kong. Cathay Pacific's "Visit Hong Kong
Now" promotion offers up to 50 percent off flight and hotel packages. The
multiple-ticket "Take Off With Hong Kong - Cathay Pacific World Pass," launched in tandem with the Hong Kong Government's Operation Unite,
enabled leisure and business travellers to visit several destinations at a very
competitive rate.
Cathay Pacific Airways General Manager Corporate Communication Alan
Wong said: "A crucial barrier between Hong Kong and Taiwan has now lifted and this will certainly bolster our efforts to rebuild tourism and trade.
As Hong Kong's carrier, Cathay Pacific will support all Government and the
travel industry recovery initiatives and continue to work to enhance Hong
Kong as Asia's leading aviation hub." |