The number of passengers travelling with Dragonair in July was close to the
number recorded in the same month one year ago, while the amount of cargo
carried was up significantly.
The airline flew 299,022 passengers in July, up 208.32% from the 96,982 in
June, and at a similar level to the number travelling in July 2002, 299,356.
"Passenger numbers are back," said Chief Executive Officer Stanley Hui. "Our
recovery programme, designed to rebuild confidence and stimulate demand,
has fully achieved its aim.
"Going forward we will focus on yields, which are below usual levels.
However, we believe they will strengthen as the overall market settles down
and travel patterns return to normal."
The amount of cargo carried in July was 22,841 tonnes, the second-highest
level this year. The figure was an 7.61% increase over the previous month and
45.08% higher than one year earlier.
"Cargo continues to outperform as the mainland economy asserts its
dominance in the manufacturing area," Mr. Hui said. "The outlook for the next
few months remains positive." |