The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has
appointed Ms Vivien Chan, JP, to its Board, and announced
the re-appointment of Mr Stanley Ko, BBS, JP. The appointments are both effective
immediately for terms of three years.
Ms Chan is the Senior Partner of solicitors Vivien Chan & Co, while Mr Ko is
the Chairman of Jardine Airport Services Ltd.
HKTB Executive Director Clara Chong said that both appointments would add
depth and experience to the Board and ensure that it reflected a wide range of
different perspectives across the tourism industry and related sectors.
"Stanley Ko has been our Board member since July 1997 and his wide
experience in the areas of air services and ground handling logistics have
been especially valuable to us in planning our visitor campaigns," Ms Chong
"Vivien Chan, in addition to her legal expertise, brings to the Board a strong
track record of public service, having served on many different boards and
committees over the years including, currently, the Advisory Committee on
Travel Agents.
"I am sure that both Members will be able to contribute valuable wisdom and
advice to the formulation of HKTB's strategies in the coming three years,
which are going to be very challenging ones for the tourism industry as we
face ever-stronger competition both regionally and internationally," Ms Chong
The Hong Kong SAR Government appoints the 20 HKTB Members, who
represent a broad spectrum of industries. The Board is headed by its Chairman, The Hon Mrs Selina Chow, GBS, OBE, JP and Vice-Chairman, the
Secretary for Economic Development and Labour or the Commissioner for Tourism.
Other Members of the HKTB include:
Mr Philip Chen, SBS, JP, Director and Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Pacific
Airways Ltd
Mr Paul Chiu, Managing Director, PC Tours & Travel
Mr Patrick Yeung, Managing Director, Cathay Pacific Holidays Ltd
Mr Robert Chow, Chairman, Robert Chow & Friends Ltd
Mr George Magnus, BBS, OBE, Deputy Chairman, Cheung Kong (Holdings)
Mr Mark Lettenbichler, General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong
Prof Andrew Chan, Chairman, Consumer Council
Mr Chau Kam Piu, Managing Director, Hoi Kong Travel Ltd
Mr Yu Pang Chun, Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Management Association
Mr Adolf Hsu, JP, Managing Director, New World First Bus Services Ltd
Ms Wailee Chow, JP, Managing Director, WDA Group Ltd
Mr Michael Hui, Hon President, Hong Kong Performing Artists Guild
Mr Tang Kwai Nang, JP, Chairman Emeritus (Asia Pacific), ACNielsen
Mr James Wu, Chairman, Maxim's Caterers Ltd
Mr Michael Sze, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development
Mr Vincent Fang, JP, Chief Executive Officer, Toppy International Ltd |