KLM has signed an office automation contract with IBM for the next four years.
Having signed on the dotted line, KLM expects to realize savings of approximately € 8 million for the duration of the contract. The contract itself is
worth approximately € 40 million.
KLM originally adopted a policy of standardizing and sourcing out its office
automation in 2001. In line with this policy, as of 1 August 2003 the airline has
sourced out half of its office automation to IBM. Besides making the ICT for the
desktop environment within KLM more efficient and more structured, it will
also reduce the costs of the ICT operation and at the same time there should
be fewer problems. The outsourcing is consistent with the airline's strategy of
focusing entirely on its core business. The decision to source the work out to
IBM was prompted by an earlier successful collaboration between the two companies. IBM will be managing approximately six to seven thousand
KLM has had intensive contact with IBM for quite some time in outsourcing
the management of its IT. In 1999 the airline appointed IBM to manage the
workstation IT of the Cargo Division for a period of four years. Having seen
that the collaboration was successful, a few months ago KLM asked IBM to
augment the agreement to include the provision of a 24-7 support service for
other departments, such as Engineering & Maintenance, both inside and
outside the Netherlands. Outside the Netherlands the automation management will be sourced out in phases once several small-scale
implementations have been evaluated.
"KLM has taken a huge step towards the implementation of standard work
stations, infrastructure and service worldwide. The quality of the service will
be improved and there will also be economies of scale," said Cees Koster, CIO
and Director of Information Services.
"We are proud to be able to provide KLM with an international support service,
enabling the airline to concentrate entirely on its core business," said Peter
Mous, Director of IBM Global Services. |