BBC World today launched a series of eight 60-second TV vignettes called
Asia Pacific Guides, which promote key destinations in the region. The campaign is part of PATA's Project Phoenix which aims to restore consumer
confidence in travel to and within Asia Pacific following recent travel industry
The Guides show the best of Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India,
Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Chinese Taipei (Taiwan).
Each vignette gives viewers a brief insight into what to see and do in each
destination. The eight-week campaign will air exclusively on BBC World's Asia
Pacific and Europe feeds, reaching approximately 74 million households.
The series is an integral element of Project Phoenix's global communications
programme to reinvigorate travel and tourism in Asia Pacific following SARS,
the terrorist attacks in Bali and the United States and the wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq.
Recently, the International Labour Organization (ILO) suggested that 6.5m jobs
were lost in the global travel industry in 2001 and 2002. In the middle of this
year the ILO predicted a further 5 million could be lost unless consumer
confidence in the industry was restored.
Mr. Simon Page, BBC World Account Director, North Asia, added: "This is a
very exciting new adventure on BBC World, proving yet again the power of
pan-regional TV as a platform for communicating messages globally. It is an
important campaign for us to have secured and we are very happy to be part
of PATA’s communication drive." |