Thai Airways International
has arranged contingency plans for flight operations to European destinations with five alternative routes,
in an attempt to ensure maximum safety for all passengers in the event of war.
Five alternative routes
that THAI will use are as follows:
1st: Across Black Sea to Europe
2nd: Across Iran to Europe
3rd: Southern route, across Persian Gulf to Europe
4th: Northern route, across Kunming via western China to Europe
5th: Northern route, across Chengdu via western China to Europe
THAI has said that some of its flight operations to Middle East destinations may be
temporarily suspended during hostilities, although THAI will continue its
normal flight operations to other destinations which can be operated safely,
while maintaining most of its flight operations to other parts of the world.
is also working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on plans to evacuate Thai citizens living in
Middle Eastern countries to Thailand in case of war. |