According to figures published by Airport
Authority Hong Kong on Sunday, Hong Kong International Airport
(HKIA) handled 6.0 million passengers and 35,655 air traffic
movements in August 2019, representing year-on-year declines of
12.4% and 3.5% respectively.
Passenger traffic
to and from Mainland China, Southeast Asia and Taiwan experienced
the largest declines in numbers when compared to August 2018.
Cargo throughput dropped 11.5% year-on-year to
382,000 tonnes in August. Transshipments and imports
declined by 19% and 15% year-on-year, respectively. The figures
for Southeast Asia and Mainland China decreased most significantly
among key trading regions.
Protests in Hong Kong have become increasingly
violent in recent weeks, and protestors even managed to close the
airport, one of the busiest in the world, for almost two days.
The protestors have also caused damage to property and disrupted public
transport and roads, not only within the city, but also to and
from the airport. Hotels have also been badly affected with
RevPAR down by over 44.5% and arrivals to the city down by
nearly 40% in August. On Friday, organisers of the
Hong Kong Tennis Open, which had been
scheduled to take place take 5-13 October, postponed the event
until further notice.
C K Ng, Executive Director, Airport Operations of the
Airport Authority
said, “In the past few months, there have been huge challenges to
airport operations at times. Thanks to the concerted efforts of
the airport community, we managed to maintain normal operations
and minimise impact on travellers. I would like to express my
gratitude to all airport staff who continue to perform their
duties with admirable professionalism and dedication.”
Over the first eight months of the year, HKIA
handled 50.6 million passengers and 285,495 air traffic movements,
up 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively, compared to the same period last
year. Cargo throughput recorded 3.08 million, down 7.4% compared
to the same period last year.
On a 12-month rolling basis, passenger volume
and flight movements grew by 0.4% and 0.3% to 74.8 million and
428,290, respectively, while cargo throughput recorded 4.9 million
tonnes, a decrease of 5.3% year-on-year.
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