For the month of September, Air Canada reported
a system load factor of 84.7%, versus 83.2% in
September 2013, representing an increase of 1.5 percentage points
on a system-wide capacity increase of 7.3%.
On this
additional capacity, system wide traffic for September increased
Air Canada's traffic results are reported on a system-wide
basis, and include Air Canada rouge, which began operations on
1 July 2013, and regional airlines from which Air Canada
purchases capacity.
"I am pleased to report traffic growth
of 9.2% and a load factor of 84.7% for the month
of September," said Calin Rovinescu, President and Chief Executive
Officer. "These strong traffic results on a capacity increase of
7.3% for the month are a powerful indication of the
effectiveness of our commercial strategy. Load factor of 87.2% for the third quarter was a record for the
quarter as we continued to execute both our international growth
plan and Air Canada rouge strategy."
Air Canada,