Etihad Airways’ ‘Big Switch’ to its new Sabre
Airline Solutions ‘SabreSonic’ Customer Sales and Service (CSS)
system has been successfully completed with minimal operational
disruption across the airline’s global flight network during the
cutover period.
The Big Switch started at 11pm (UAE time) on
Friday, 22 February, and the main cutover was completed for start of
business (UAE time) on Sunday, 24 February, with the SabreSonic CSS
fully implemented and all sales channels, web and check-in systems
back online by mid-afternoon.
The first passenger
checked-in using the new system at 7pm on Saturday, 23 February, for
flight EY 221 Abu Dhabi to Karachi. At the same time, the first
sale made through SabreSonic CSS at the Abu Dhabi Contact Centre
was a Pearl Business Class ticket to Manila.
“The cutover to the new SabreSonic Customer Sales and
Service system has been an outstanding operation involving
thousands of Etihad Airways’ staff and months of hard work,” said
James Hogan, Etihad Airways’ President and Chief Executive
Officer. “To have achieved a cutover of this magnitude with
such minimal disruption to our operations and customers is
testament to the excellent teamwork between Etihad Airways and
Sabre Airline Solutions. We now have a passenger
services system that is world class, and the ten year deal with
Sabre means that we can continue to enhance and improve it year on
year, which will ensure we’re always ahead of the game.”
The mammoth cutover
operation involved hundreds of members of Etihad Airways’ staff
who initially implemented, tested and configured the new software.
They then worked on transferring all existing 530,000 bookings
into the new system and restructuring the airline’s website.
The SabreSonic CSS cutover team reworked the business
processes, rewired all of the links into the airline’s operation
and back office systems, and transferred all of the network
connections, before doing a final check to ensure the system was ready to go live.
SabreSonic CSS is state-of-the
art in every way and transforms Etihad Airways’ reservations,
inventory, eCommerce, distribution, and departure control
activities, as well as providing customers with significantly
enhanced mobile and communications access.
transformation, involving the training of more than 6,700 Etihad
Airways and third party staff, is the most challenging IT and
business-critical initiative Etihad Airways has ever undertaken
and is at the centre of a US$ 1 billion technology agreement with
Sabre Airline Solutions.
The new SabreSonic CSS
enables customers to take greater control of their journey and
have more choice about how they interact with the airline.
Customers can also complete transactions, such as purchasing
upgrades at check-in, more easily than ever before.
In addition to Etihad Airways’ Abu Dhabi hub, 23 other
airports around the world cutover to the SabreSonic CSS platform during the weekend with the implementation in the remaining
destinations set to continue until the end of March.
Etihad Airways’ cutover took place a month after its equity
partner Virgin Australia made its own Big Switch to SabreSonic
CSS. airberlin, another member of the Etihad Airways equity
alliance, also uses a wide selection of Sabre products.
Mr Hogan said, “The bonds between Etihad Airways’
alliance airlines continue to strengthen and it is extremely beneficial that Virgin Australia and Etihad Airways both now have
the Sabre CSS system and others also use Sabre products. It is a
further example of the synergies that tie Etihad Airways and our
equity partners together.”
Big Switch,
Etihad Airways,
Abu Dhabi