signed contracts with 220 new
hotel partners in 33 countries in the month of July 2012 after
launch of its revamped DRMS (Dynamic Rates Management System) rate
control and yield management platform.
According to Chief Information
Officer, Olivier Dombey, the combination of easy sign up plus new
features on the company’s latest DRMS release is attracting the
attention of the global hotel community.
“While a couple of promotions are a good start, encourages its hotel partners to load as many
promotions as possible on a regular basis. And each
promotion can now be set up by target market, allowing hotel
partners to customise any promotion to appeal to specific
nationalities that represent a core clientele. DRMS now
allows hotel partners to load as many hotel deals as they like
under a variety of promotional categories including ‘Shock Sale’,
‘Buy Now, Pay Less’ , Free Nights and ‘Extended Stay’ just to name
a few,” said Mr Dombey.
Key cities that have the shown the
largest increase of hotel partners include hotels
in Bali, Yangon, Mumbai, Hong Kong and
in Hanoi.
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