Airbus and GEDC (Global Engineering Deans
Council), a leading organisation for engineering education, have
launched an award to recognize individuals who have been pro
active in bringing more diversity into engineering classrooms.
They intend to reward initiatives which
encourage students of all profiles, gender, social and cultural
backgrounds as well as disability, to study and succeed in
The long term aim of this new award is to
increase diversity among the global community of engineering
educators and professionals, so that the engineering industry
reflects the diversity of the communities it supports. In addition
it will ensure that more students have the opportunity to
experience and value working in diverse teams during their
“Increasing demands for engineers globally means we
must broaden our reach and attract the most talented people to the industry,” said Sarah Rajala, Dean of the Bagley College of
Engineering at Mississippi State University and Chair of the GEDC.
“With this award we want to make sure that engineering represents
the population served by the industry, with opportunities for
everyone. It will recognise the contribution of individuals, or of
their projects, which have enhanced the diversity in engineering
education globally.”
Charles Champion, Airbus Executive Vice
President Engineering, said, “At Airbus we have some 100 nationalities
and over 20 languages are spoken among our 55,000 employees. We
believe that this diversity is a huge strength, a vital part of
our business success and that it helps foster innovation,
performance and engagement.”
Following the launch, the
GEDC and Airbus will establish an Awards Committee comprising
experts in engineering education, diversity and industry, to
define the application guidelines, evaluation criteria, selection
process and launch the call for candidates.
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