UNWTO and Spain have partnered to organize an
International Congress on Ethics and Tourism which will address
some of the most pressing ethical issues currently facing the
tourism sector. The event will take place 15-16 September in
Madrid, Spain.
As one of the largest economic sectors in the
world, tourism creates jobs and wealth for millions, but can also
pose serious challenges. Against this background, the Global Code
of Ethics for Tourism – a set of guidelines and principles for the
international tourism sector – was designed to minimize any
negative impacts of tourism activity on destinations and host
The Code of Ethics will set the tone for the
debates at the upcoming International Congress on Ethics and
Tourism, with sessions focusing on responsible tourism, fair
tourism and poverty reduction, equality and exploitation. The role
of the private sector in responsible and sustainable tourism will
also be addressed, with a session on corporate social
responsibility featuring leading tourism companies.
Spanish Council of Ministers has officially accepted the Global
Code of Ethics for Tourism and is committed to disseminating it among the public and private tourism sectors. In order for its
impact to be as wide-reaching and international as possible, we
are collaborating with UNWTO to fully achieve our objectives,”
said Spain’s Secretary-General of Tourism and Domestic Trade, Joan Mesquida.
The congress will be
attended by leading figures representing the international
community, ethics experts and members of the tourism public and
private sectors including Michela Brambilla, the Minister of
Tourism of Italy, which hosts the World Committee on Tourism
Ethics. The congress will count on the support and participation
of the European Commission and will be officially closed by
members of the Spanish Royal family.
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