IATA has expressed its disappointment in the
opinion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the
European Union (CJEU) which did not support the air transport
industry’s challenge to Europe’s plan to include international
aviation in its emissions trading scheme (EU-ETS) from 2012. A
final decision is expected later this year.
“We are disappointed with the opinion of the
Advocate General, but it is only part of a complex set of
developments concerning the EU-ETS,” said Tony Tyler, IATA’s
Director General and CEO. “While the Advocate General of
the CJEU believes that Europe is within its rights to move forward
with this extra-territorial measure, that opinion is not shared in
the international community. Many governments are rightly
concerned about the infringements on sovereignty and the Chicago
Convention that Europe’s plans pose. Last week more than 20
states - including India, China, Japan, the US, and Russia signed a
declaration vowing to challenge the plan’s extra-territoriality at
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). And India,
for example, has very clearly indicated that if Europe proceeds it
will retaliate.”
“We support and need positive
economic measures as part of our strategy to manage aviation’s
emissions. Emissions trading is one possibility. But it must be a
global scheme under the leadership of ICAO. The principles for
such a scheme were agreed in 2010 and ICAO is committed to
delivering a global framework by 2013. Rather than risking a
further escalation of tensions amongst states, I encourage Europe
to support a successful, global and effective solution through
ICAO,” Tyler added.
The aviation industry has ambitious
environmental targets: to improve fuel efficiency by 1.5% annually
to 2020, to cap net emissions from 2020 and to cut net emissions
in half by 2050. Alongside improvements in technology, operations
and infrastructure, global economic measures including emissions
trading are needed.
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