More than 112,000 visitors attended Singapore
Airshow 2010. Trade day visitorship exceeded 41,000 from 122
countries / regions, with an increased percentage of overseas
trade visitors this year. The two public days were also very
well-received with over 71,000 visitors thronging the grounds.
To improve visitor experience at the show,
efforts were made to ensure greater ease of access to and from the
airshow venue on the official days. From public transport
provisions to the management of security clearances, most visitors
were appreciative of the greater efficiency at the Airshow.
“We have received good feedback on the improved
arrangements with regards to crowd management on the two public
days. This is what we have been working hard to achieve and we are
very glad that everything went smoothly,” said Mr Jimmy Lau,
Managing Director, Singapore Airshow & Events (SAe).
Public day visitors were treated to an array of
airshow carnival activities, ranging from the family-oriented
cultural and sports showcases to the spectacular flying displays.
While the F-111 Strike Fighter was unable to be featured in the
public day flying display due to technical reasons, visitors were
still entertained by a variety of aircraft from different
“The flying displays have always been a crowd
pleaser. Due to the economic downturn, some of the flying display
teams curtailed their participation in the airshow. However, we
are looking forward to providing trade and public visitors with
more aerial display teams in the coming Singapore Airshow 2012,”
said Mr Lau.
The Singapore Airshow 2012 is set to take place
14 -19 February 2012.
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