Flying is widely recognised as the safest form
of travel, reinforced by a robust regime of established security
procedures. Unfortunately, it is human nature that each new
security incident prompts a desire to introduce yet more security
measures. There is always political pressure to react, but this
often smacks of the need to be seen to be doing something rather
than thinking through the appropriate action to take.
The public understand that no society can
credibly claim to provide perfect security. It takes real
political maturity to remain calm, and not fall into the trap of
knee jerk reactions, such as the imposition of new security
measures of unproven effectiveness. Additional security measures
are only justified when it can be demonstrated that the benefits
outweigh the additional burdens they impose on society.
Treating each of the six million passengers who
fly every day as potential terrorists and subjecting them to
virtual strip searches and pat-downs already borders on the
absurd, particularly when compared to our approach to public
security in other aspects of our daily lives. Doing so comes at a
cost, already measured in tens of billions of dollars annually.
Many airports could improve
their security hardware, training of security staff and
possibly implement better working conditions for these staff, and
nobody can argue that these things should not be done on a regular
and, in some cases, more consistent basis. Whilst impressive new screening technologies are constantly under
evaluation, including full body scanners and automatic explosive
detection systems, there is still a lot of debate regarding
related health and privacy issues.
The current debate on the merits or otherwise of
passenger profiling raises a number of other important issues of
fairness and preservation of human dignity, given the fact that
99.99% of passengers, even from supposedly higher risk categories,
are entirely innocent.
Rather than focus on ever more intrusive
passenger screening, the key lesson from this, and previous
terrorist incidents, is the critical importance of effective
intelligence gathering and analysis. Clearly, both inter-agency
and inter-governmental cooperation needs to be reinforced.
Commenting on the current state of affairs, Mr.
Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia
Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said, “AAPA understands the need to
maintain the highest levels of security in air transportation and
all airlines are committed to working closely with government
security agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that air travel
remains safe, secure and convenient. Despite recent events, public
confidence in the safety of air travel remains high. Good security
is all about comprehensive threat assessment and balanced risk
management, not the elimination of every conceivable risk.”
However, he cautioned, “It would be a tragedy if
that confidence were to be undermined by ill-judged reactionary
measures being taken by those entrusted with maintaining public
safety. The sudden introduction by national governments of
uncoordinated new security requirements, without prior
consultation, makes practical implementation difficult. The fact
that such requirements are unpublished, and even in some cases
unwritten, inevitably leads to inconsistency of application. Far
from reassuring passengers, the likely result is further confusion
and unnecessary inconvenience. We urge governments to cooperate
closely with industry and strive for global harmonisation of
aviation security measures, working in conjunction with the
International Civil Aviation Organisation.”
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