Last week at the Budget & Economy Hotels Asia
2009 in Singapore, Mr Mark Lankester, Chief Executive Officer of
Tune Hotels, was a panelist on the final session of the two day
Moderated by Cyndy Tan Jarabata, President,
Tajara Leisure & Hospitality Group, Inc., Mr Lankester spoke
in-depth of his vision, not only for his own Tune Hotel brand, but
also of the budget hotel sector in general.
With the budget and economy sector
currently booming in Asia, the views of the CEO of a
hotel brand that charges for air conditioning, even
towels, and does not provide any amenities that are not
paid for, should not be missed.
As the video is 20 minutes long we
have had to cut it into two parts. For your convenience
Part 1 and Part 2 are below.
To watch the video, simply click play.
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click play, then pause immediately after, so that the
video can be downloading as you do other things. Then,
once complete (the red bar is all the way across),
simply return to this page (without closing the browser
window) and watch the video smoothly.
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