Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest (GIIPC) 2008 is now entering
its Final Round. 20 finalists have been chosen; they are from Indonesia (12), Singapore (2), and Vietnam, Myanmar,
Hong Kong, Australia, India, and Malaysia each have one representative. All finalists will
have their skills tested with “live” final format, where they join a hunting trip program to a tourism destination in Indonesia. An awards ceremony
announcing the winner will take place in Denpasar, Bali on 29th August 2008.
Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2008 also gives special awards for Best Culture/People and Best Landscape category.
photo contest is not only a photo contest about quality, skill, ability and the beauty of each participant
country. It’s a major event the Qualification Round started on 15th March to 31st May 2008. 3,911 participants from 21 countries took part in this
visual competition and provided 13,717 photos in total.
“My Home, My Country” is the Qualification Round Theme. At this stage, all participants had the obligation to send photos, that show their
countries beauty, uniqueness and culture, where ever they live.
Now, the Qualification Round has ended, and the Final Round will begin to assess photo quality, the professional mentality and interesting
visions which will lead to the final winner. At this Final Round, the theme is “Indonesia, The Beautiful”, for all finalists including foreign finalists
who are invited to Indonesia, a country with over 17,000 islands, to join the final selection GIIPC 2008 would like to record Indonesia through
photography to express its real meaning, its culture, and portray its natural resources.
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