At the
recently opened Six Senses Destination Spa Phuket in Thailand, preventative wellness is a fundamental component that is built into every
guests personalised multi-day programme or Life Passage. Elevating this to the next level, Six Senses
has created The Wellness Wheel to provide a complete wellness solution that assists with holistic integration and guiding guests towards a lifestyle of sustainable health,
wellness, happiness and personal growth.
The Wellness Wheel introduces twelve key dimensions of wellness that influence and respond to one another in an ongoing process. The
coaching programme supporting The Wellness Wheel allows guests to understand how to make specific aspects of wellness active in every life
choice, activity and belief. The programme starts during the stay at the Six Senses Destination Spa and continues long after the guest leaves by
providing feedback, insights, and guidance on the guests lifestyle.
The web-based coaching programme was developed in cooperation with a US-based company, and includes assessment, guidance and
follow-up support. Starting with an in-depth online questionnaire based on twelve key dimensions, guests record their answers to a number of
statements relating to their well-being. Guests then judge and record their level of satisfaction about their responses.
The twelve key dimensions comprise of Self-Responsibility and Love, Breathing, Sensing, Eating, Moving, Feeling, Thinking, Playing and
Working, Communicating, Intimacy, Finding Meaning, and Transcending.
Upon completion of the questionnaire, guests receive 1) a Wellness Score, 2) a Satisfaction Score, and 3) an Areas-of-Strength Analysis. Holistic
consultants then guide guests on how the different dimensions influence each other, and how to re-balance areas that are weak, how to
promote areas of dissatisfaction, and possibly how to predispose areas relating to disease. Following the analysis, guests create an action plan
with specific objectives and initiatives to provide a practical gateway for change and growth.
After departure from the resort, guests log into their newly created personal webpage where they have access to resources relating to wellness
including relevant health advice matching their personal plan and a self-study area providing an opportunity to further explore each dimension.
Additionally, an online journal function is available where The Wellness Wheel directs email reminders to guests to inspire and encourage them
toward completing their action plans.
The personal action plan can be re-evaluated and re-aligned at any time depending on the individuals stage of transformation. Whilst at the
resort, guests have access to certified wellness coaches; six months after the original assessment, guests have the option of taking another
test to review their level of wellness to ascertain if they may benefit from further adjustments in their lives.
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