Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals
(HFTP) is to provide a visual and educational overview of the latest in hospitality technology at the upcoming 93rd Annual International
Hotel / Motel & Restaurant Show, taking place 8-11 November at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York
City. HFTP will offer a pavilion of GuestRoom 20X technologies, along with two hospitality technology education sessions during the
The IH/M&RS version of
GuestRoom 20X pavilion that displays a variety of technologies that address green issues, entertainment, room service, room
design, electronics and more. The exhibit is on display in booth #3962 Sunday and Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4
HFTP is also producing
the two following hospitality technology education sessions for IH/M&RS:
Information Security 101 (Sunday, November 9 from 1 – 2:30 p.m.): Discover information on identity theft, data security breaches, viruses,
hacking tools, e-mail and web threats. Also, learn how to arm yourself to defend not only your company, but your guests and employees as well.
Speaker: Scott Nowakowski, director of information technology for Denihan Hospitality Group.
Traditional vs. IP Telephone Systems (Monday, November 10 from 3 – 4:30 p.m.): With opportunities such as convergence, integration and
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), there is more to think about when selecting a successful telephone system. Designed for all experience
levels, this session teaches you what to consider when purchasing a telephone system that best meets your property’s
unique requirements.
Speakers: Jules Sieburgh, CHTP, HFTP Global President and hospitality consultant with O’Neal Consultants; Don O’Neal, ISHC, president of
O’Neal Consultants.
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