The priority booking period for AIME 2009, 17th AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo is now open. Companies that participated in this year’s
AIME have until Thursday 7 August to select their preferred space at AIME 2009. After 7 August, space on the floor plan is open to new exhibitors.
AIME 2009 will be held on 17
and 18 February at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Australia.
Acting event director, Elizabeth Sarian, said that this year’s record breaking event had resulted in 93% of exhibitors stating they intend to return
in 2009.
“Based on the success of this year’s event we are expecting a record number of space bookings to be made during the priority booking period,”
Ms Sarian said.
Figures audited by the Circulations Audit Board in Australia verified a total attendance of 3,260 at AIME 2008, a 25.3% increase on the AIME 2007
attendance. Hosted Buyer numbers increased from 370 to 492, up 33% on the previous year.
“New initiatives for AIME 2009 include two entry/exits to provide better visitor flow, an extension of the popular networking hours introduced last
year and a new floor plan. We have also retained the policy of fully hosting all buyers that qualify to attend AIME, the successful two-way online
diary and the function-free Tuesday night.
“This year AIME attracted an unprecedented diversity of exhibitors including 243 new exhibiting companies and we expect even greater demand
for floor space from new exhibitors in 2009,” Ms Sarian added.
other recent news regarding:
Travel News Asia, Promotions,
Hotels, AIME,
Trade Shows