offering Amadeus’ Best Available Rates now account for 75.3% of Amadeus’ hotel bookings.
Hotels which participate in Amadeus’ Best Available Rate programme guarantee to supply Amadeus with public rates that are the same or lower
than those available through other distribution systems, branded websites or the hotel's own call centre. 22,000 hotel properties in North
America, 17,200 in Europe and 5,500 in Asia Pacific all guarantee their best rates are available through Amadeus.
Marriott is the latest hotel chain to sign up to Amadeus’ Best Available Rate programme. Larraine Voll Morris, Vice President,
eDistribution, Marriott said, “Rate integrity is a guiding principle in Marriott’s pricing and distribution strategy. As part of our philosophy to sell the way the
customer wants to buy, we consider travel agencies as valuable sales and distribution partners. As part of this, access to Marriott’s public Best
Available Rates in real time is imperative to build consumer confidence and brand loyalty. We are very pleased to further strengthen our
relationship with Amadeus by participating in the Amadeus BAR Programme.”
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