Airways has signed up for a Performance Improvement Package that will be
applied to its Boeing 777
fleet. The Boeing package is expected to result in a 1% fuel efficiency gain, along with the emission reductions that come with reduced fuel usage. The package will
be applied to the airline's 42-airplane 777 fleet.
The 777 Performance Improvement Package is expected to reduce fuel spending per aircraft by about $200,000 annually (assuming $100 per
barrel crude oil prices), according to Boeing estimates.
"Any cost-effective measures to improve fuel efficiency and reduce carbon emissions are to be welcomed and we're pleased to be working with
Boeing on this initiative across our 777 fleet," said Robert Boyle, commercial director, British Airways.
The key elements of the 777 Performance Improvement Package are the addition of a drooped aileron and a ram air system. In addition, Boeing
will provide redesigned wing vortex generators.
Boeing expects the package to be certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in 2009.
The 777 upgrade package is focused on the 777-200, -200ER and -300 models, accounting for more than 500 airplanes. The newer 777 models,
the 777-200LR, -300ER and Freighter, incorporate the upgrades during factory production.
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