Alis Aerolinee Italiane, an Italian cargo start-up company, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus for the acquisition of five
A330-200 Freighter aircraft, plus three options. An engine choice has not been made yet.
With an important cargo market potential, Alis Aerolinee Italiane intends to establish direct links between Northern Italy and long haul markets
such as North America, India, China, Japan and South-East Asia.
“By opting for the A330-200F for our operations, we start with the most modern cargo aircraft available on the market in its category. The
A330-200F offers superior economics, operational flexibility and overall better value for money what made it the logical choice for Alis and its
shareholders,” said Alcide Leali, founder and CEO of Alis Aerolinee Italiane. “We are fully convinced that the A330-200 Freighter aircraft will
greatly contribute to our development plans and allow us to operate the most modern and efficient fleet of cargo aircraft in
The A330-200F is the latest addition to the
popular A330 Family of which over 540 aircraft are presently in service with more than 70
operators worldwide.
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