the Year of The Rat fast approaching it is time to reflect on what made this year
- the Year of The Pig - special, and on Thursday, Google Zeitgeist announced the most popular and fastest-rising search terms captivating Hong Kong people’s mind.
Zeitgeist means “spirit of the times”
- and because people use Google to search for what is new, interesting queries when seen in volume
tend to be a good reflection of what is on people’s minds. Amazingly, as many as 25%
of the search queries Google gets on any one day are new - meaning
they have not been seen before.
The Google Zeitgeist is calculated by looking at the aggregation of the most popular and fast-rising search queries being typed into the
Google.com and Google.com.hk search boxes from Hong Kong. Please note
that there are some Chinese characters below which may not appear
properly on all systems.
Top Searches
of Local Hong Kong News
中大學生報 (Chinese University Student Press) 2.
清明上河圖 (Along the River During the Qingming Festival) 3.
區議會選舉 (District Council Election) 4.
陳開枝 (Chen Kai-zhi) 5.
朱培慶 (Chu Pui
Top Searches
Local Places
1. 海洋公園 (Ocean Park)
2. 香港迪士尼 (Hong Kong Disneyland)
3. Megabox
4. Elements 圓方
5. APM
Top Searches
of Celebrities
1. 鄭希怡 (Yumiko Cheng)
2. 吳尊 (Wu Chun)
3. 湯唯 (Tang Wei)
4. 江若琳 (Elanne
5. 許瑋倫 (Xu
Top Searches
of TV Dramas
1. Prison Break
2. 交響情人夢 (Japanese TV drama)
3. 溏心風暴 (Local TV drama)
4. Heroes
5. 大話妹 (Korean TV drama)
Top Searches
of Movies
1. 色戒 (Lust, Caution)
2. 變形金剛 (Transformers)
3. 不能說的秘密 (Secret)
4. 蜘蛛俠 (Spiderman 3)
5. 戰狼300 (300)
Top Searches
of Gadgets
1. NDS
2. iPhone
3. Wii
4. PSP
Top Searches
of Financial Related Sites
1. 香港交易所
(Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited) 2. aastocks 3. Finet
財華網 4. Bloomberg
5. etnet
Top Searches
of Brands
1. agnès b
2. LV 3. Gucci 4. Nike 5. Rolex
Searches of Online
1. 魔獸世界 (World of Warcraft)
2. Travian 3. 勁舞團 (Dance Fish)
4. Online (Tales Runner)
5. 天翼之鍊 (Tales Weaver)
Top Searches
of Online Forums
1. Discuss HK 香港討論區
2. Uwants
3. PCCHK 香港警察討論區
4. HK Golden
香港高登 5. Foxy
Top Searches
of Social Networking Sites
1. Facebook 2. Friendster 3. MySpace 4. Orkut
Top Searches
of Destinations
1. Macau 2. Shenzhen 3. Japan
4. Shanghai
5. Singapore
Top Searches
of Airlines
1. Cathay Pacific Airways 2. Dragonair 3. Singapore Airlines 4. Oasis Airline
5. British Airways
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