Tourism opens doors for women is the theme for the United Nations World Tourism Day which as each year will be celebrated on 27 September,
the anniversary of the adoption of the original UNWTO statutes. Following on the Tourism Enriches theme in 2006, this years campaign
highlights the opportunities that the sector offers for women. This years host nation for World Tourism Day is Sri Lanka.
In the context of
the UNWTOs Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, the Organization intends to join forces with UNIFEM (United Nations Development
Fund for Women) to enhance further the role of women in tourism.
The program will be prepared for World Tourism Day and launched in Sri Lanka. It will be reviewed annually through 2015, the year targeted by
the UN to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Together with the Sustainable Tourism Research Centre in Australia, UNWTO will launch a new dedicated
website, which will
focus its attention on the role of gender in tourism and how to enhance it, addressing women as agents of change in and for sustainable tourism.
In order to increase public awareness of the interrelation between tourism and its beneficial role for women, UNWTO will
also launch an online photo
contest to show women playing leadership roles at all levels within the sector. The 12 selected winners will be exhibited during the UNWTO
General Assembly in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, in November.
With Sri Lanka as the Host Country and planned celebrations around the world, UNWTO is launching this new initiative to show the
achievements, opportunities and challenges for women in tourism, said
UNWTO Francesco Frangialli. By working closely with our sister
Agency UNIFEM and using our Global Code of Ethics for Tourism as a framework, we believe we can help this industry make even greater
contribution to the Millennium Development Goals.
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Lanka, Tourism,