Intelligent Spas has released its popular series of Spa Operating Procedures Manuals in Thai to assist spa businesses raise service
standards, improve customer satisfaction, create and maintain spa ambience, implement employee training and reduce costs associated
with waste and inefficient processes.
The topic-focused manuals are ideal for improving a particular problem area of spa operations, or for providing a complete and consistent
set of standard operating procedure manuals to effectively train all spa employees and efficiently operate a professional spa facility. The
content is designed to be applicable to different types and sizes of spa facilities and to allow operators to implement industry best practices.
Intelligent Spas' current industry survey identifies Thailand as the largest spa market in the Asia Pacific region, with over 570 spa facilities.
The manuals currently available include:
Client Interaction & Service Standards
Given growing competition coupled with increasing consumer demands, it is critical spa
employees are trained in each potential client interaction situation and deliver the standards of service necessary to deliver satisfying spa
Housekeeping and Spa Presentation
Housekeeping and presentation are not only critical in providing a clean, hygienic and safe
environment, but also to assist with the establishment and continuation of spa ambience.
Spa Human Resource Management
The Spa Human Resource Management Manual provides spa managers with a confidence-building business tool, which greatly reduces the time taken to conduct repetitive and administrative tasks.
Spa Employee Handbook
The Spa Employee Handbook Manual provides spa managers and supervisors with a useful tool to
reduce interruptions and enable employees to work self-sufficiently.
Garrow, Managing Director of Intelligent Spas, said, “Spa owners, managers and directors should not micro-manage staff and
continuously address minor issues. Intelligent Spas professional series of Spa Operations Manuals makes it easy to establish a practical
system for repetitive and time consuming activities, enabling management efforts to be channelled towards maximising the spa’s success.
We are proud to offer practical, leading-edge publications which are comprehensive, editable, time-saving and cost effective.”
Over 4,000 hours of professional development and editing have gone into these manuals, created by international experts with collectively
over fifty years experience in the spa and related industries.
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Spas, Thailand