The 29th Annual General Meeting of the Skal Clubs of Thailand was recently held at the
Imperial Queens Park Hotel in
Presidents and Club Secretaries
flew into Bangkok, from around Thailand to attend the auspicious event, the first time the National Committee had played host to six clubs. President-in-waiting Thomas Hoeburn, GM of the Hilton Hotel in Hua
Hin, attended his first ever National Committee meeting. Joining Thomas were Skalleagues from
Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok and Koh Samui.
Reporting a growth of 24% in forecasted members by the end of the year, National President Malai Sakolviphak expertly chaired the meeting
discussing a wide range of topics. All areas reported growth in membership with the exception of Pattaya due to management changes and
transfers; however it was expected to pick-up with the new Executive board shortly to be in place. It was recorded that
Pattaya and East Thailand had put on a most spectacular World Congress in October of last year, which had received worldwide acclaim from all who attended. No
mean feat for a small volunteer club in a very busy resort destination. The Congress had been so successful that the Pattaya Club was planning
to repay a substantial loan made by the Skal National Committee, which was used in pre-congress marketing.
International Councillor Andrew Wood indicated that with the forecasted growth in numbers, Skal Thailand would represent over 20% of
Skalleagues in the Asian Area by the end of 2007. This also includes the re-joining of two important large clubs, two Asian dragons, Hong Kong
and Singapore. The Asian area presently stretches from Mauritius; to the Middle East; S.E. Asia and all the way West to Guam. There are currently
33 Clubs in 17 countries that make up the Asian Area. Development plans include Dubai, South Africa and Vietnam.
Highlights of the meeting included Skal Samui President Horst Hornung reporting on the plans to host the 37th Skal Asian Area Congress, in Koh
Samui in May 2008. Having won the bid during last years meeting, plans were reported to be well in hand, financial support had been granted
from TCEB (Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau) and fund raising was currently top of the agenda in readiness for a presentation at this
years Skal Asian Area Congress which will take place in Macau 25-28 May 2007. The National Committee was asked to support this important
tourism congress and Samuis presentation for the 08 Congress. Through a unanimous show of hands, the National Committee agreed to give
the Samui Club a further bolster to their war chest, with financial assistance.
Following the AGM, as is tradition, cocktails and dinner were held with invited guests and spouses. Under the watchful eye of the Imperial
Queens Park GM Mr. Claude J. Scheffer and Vice Chairman & Snr MD Khun Prapansak Bhatayanond.
During the dinner a number of awards of appreciation were also given, namely to Mr. Brian Sinclair-Thompson the Bangkok Club President and
to Khun Prapansak Bhatayanond for his many years of support to the Skal movement, including hosting the previous Skal World
Congress in 1996 in Bangkok.
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