British Airways
today moves its Vancouver flights from London Heathrow Terminal 4 to Terminal 1
in an attempt to ease congestion and provide smoother connections for customers.
British Airways operates 13 flights a week from London to Vancouver during the height of the summer season.
The move from Terminal 4 to Terminal 1
should help ease some congestion during the busy afternoon peak and will also help to smooth connections
for many customers (including all UK regional customers) using Terminal 1 as a transfer point.
British Airways flight numbers moving terminals are:
BA85 Heathrow to Vancouver
BA87 Heathrow to Vancouver (operates June 1 to September 30 only)
BA84 Vancouver to Heathrow
BA86 Vancouver to Heathrow (operates June 1 to September 30 only)
The flights to and from Vancouver will stay in Terminal 1 until March 27, 2008 when they will move to British Airways' new home at Terminal 5.
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Airways, Heathrow,