is to add two new routes to its intercontinental network this month. On October 29, SAS will commence a thrice-weekly service
between Stockholm and Bangkok, and on October 31, SAS will launch a new route between Copenhagen and Dubai.
The Stockholm-Bangkok route complements the existing Copenhagen-Bangkok route, while Dubai is a new destination for SAS
International. SAS will this year have launched three new long-haul routes: In March, Stockholm-Beijing was introduced, in addition to
Copenhagen- Beijing.
"These two new seasonal routes will operate to March, 2008,"
said Lars Sandahl Sørensen, Chief Commercial Officer, SAS International. "It
provides an exciting opportunity for SAS to offer passengers greater choice and flexibility to more destinations during high seasons and
thereby meet customer demand. We also offer great connections from Bangkok to South East Asia and Australia with our Star Alliance
partner Thai Airways, and across the Middle East in co-operation with Emirates."
The Stockholm-Bangkok route will operate to March 25, and Copenhagen-Dubai to March 29. Both routes will be served three times a week
with an Airbus A340-300, offering passengers a choice of three service classes: Business, Economy Extra and Economy, with full service
class flexibility when booking.
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