Thursday, Singapore Airlines signed a Letter of Intent with Rolls-Royce to provide a comprehensive maintenance package for Trent
800 engines on its fleet of 58 Trent-powered Boeing 777 aircraft, under a TotalCare Services Agreement.
Rolls-Royce will provide off-wing maintenance, repair and overhaul of engines, as well as spare engine support. The engines will be
repaired and overhauled at Singapore Aero Engine Services Limited (SAESL) - a Joint Venture company, owned by SIA Engineering
Company Limited and Rolls-Royce.
The agreement builds on the long-standing relationship between Singapore Airlines and Rolls-Royce. Besides already powering 58
Boeing 777s, other models of the Trent family of engines will power the first 10 Airbus A380s (Trent 900), as well as all 19 Airbus A330-300s
(Trent 700), which will be delivered from 2009.
other recent news regarding:
Airlines, Rolls-Royce