Two of
Cendant Travel Distribution Services (TDS) top regional executives are
to participate as panelists on two high powered panels during the Travel Distribution
Summit Asia 2006, to be held from 15 – 16 February 2006 at the Hilton Hotel, Singapore.
On Wednesday, 15 February 2006, Mr. Ram Seethepalli, Cendant TDS’s Group Vice President & Managing Director, Consumer Markets, Asia, will be a panelist on the first
day of the summit in Keynote Session One at 9:00 a.m. titled “Asian Travel Distribution Future: Understanding the Changing Balance of Power Between Suppliers and
Intermediaries”. Among the topics to be discussed include how the balance is shifting between direct and indirect distribution in Asia and the implications of both.
On the second day of the summit, on 16 February, at 9:00 a.m., Mr. Mark Rizzuto, Managing Director, Cendant TDS, and one of the most senior Cendant TDS executives
in Asia, will participate as a panelist in Keynote Session Three titled “The Great Annual GDS Debate – Addressing the Future Role of the GDS in Asia.” Among the issues
he will help address include how the GDS model will evolve and adapt to the future market landscape and the implications of those changes.
Much of Mr. Rizzuto’s comments will be based on the results of recent research undertaken in Asia, to discover how Asian travel agents are reacting to a market being
shaped by changing technology, rising costs and an increasingly demanding traveling public.
other recent news regarding:
Distribution Summit Asia 2006, Cendant,
Trade Shows