Melbourne has secured its sixth major conference for the new Melbourne Convention Centre which will open in 2009.
“We are delighted that Melbourne has been chosen to host IUBMB 2010, the world’s major global conference of biochemistry and molecular
biology,” said Sandra Chipchase, CEO, Melbourne Convention + Visitors Bureau.
“The conference of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will bring 1600 biochemists and molecular biologists to Australia
from members based in 66 countries. IUBMB will be held at the new convention centre from 25 September to 1 October, 2010,” said
The conference aims to foster and support the growth and advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology through international cooperation
and high standards in research, discussion, application and publication.
“Hosting the IUBMB conference will allow Australia to showcase our biochemistry and molecular biology expertise and capabilities.”
There are now six major conferences locked in for Melbourne’s new, six green star convention centre. The new centre will feature a timber-clad
fan-shaped, 5,000-seat plenary hall that can be sub-divided into smaller tiered conference venues; a ballroom and 32 meeting rooms of various
“Melbourne is a first class convention city with an enviable track record in hosting large, successful business events. In addition, Melbourne offers
an array of man- made and natural attractions that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. The new Melbourne Convention Centre now allows
us to compete more aggressively in the international market for large-scale conventions,” said
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