Melbourne Convention + Visitors Bureau (MCVB) has won another major international convention to be held in the new Melbourne convention
The World Federation of Parasitologists (WFP) has chosen Melbourne as the city to host the International Congress of Parasitology, ICOPA XII,
which will be held at the new Melbourne Convention Centre in the second week of August, 2010.
The Congress
is expected to attract 2,000 scientists from around the world to discuss topics such as parasites that threaten aquaculture
and agricultural animals, ecosystem health, human health, emerging and tropical diseases, pandemics, biosecurity and bioterrorism.
Melbourne has a worldwide reputation for excellence in this field with the University of Melbourne, La Trobe University, Monash University, and
the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research being leaders in parasitological research.
“The ICOPA XII will allow Australia to showcase it capabilities and expertise in parasitology and to further exchange information with leaders in
this field from around the world,” said CEO of MCVB, Sandra Chipchase.
The convention is expected to provide a total economic benefit to the State of Victoria estimated at
A$10.8 million.
“There are now ten major conferences locked in for the new centre between in 2009 and 2012, which will bring 16,500 delegates whose
spending is worth nearly $88 million to the State,” Chipchase added.
The Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. (ASP) is the local host for ICOPA XII and will provide a forum for the presentation of international
research, discovery and innovation in parasitology.
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