During the FIFA World Cup WORLDHOTELS
enjoyed significantly increased results for June 2006, year on year. The
global hotel group reported an average revenue increase of 37% for its 106 German member hotels during the
period 1 to 30 June 2006.
This revenue growth is mainly based on increased bookings coming in from abroad, particularly from the UK, USA, Latin America, Asia and Japan,
across all three collections – Deluxe, First Class and Comfort. The decrease of group bookings and business trips for German hotels during the
World Cup was compensated by individual bookings from all over the world. Beside bookings via the travel agent’s systems bookings were
generated via the WORLDHOTELS internet channels as well as via the toll-free reservation numbers offered globally.
“The excellent result achieved during the world cup shows that our hotels benefit from being part of global hotel group. WORLDHOTELS has 34
own sales offices worldwide, which successfully support our hotels by generating growing sales from
abroad,” said Christian Fiederer, Vice President EMEA of WORLDHOTELS.
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