Rezidor SAS has collaborated with the medical technology company Medtronic, to provide Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in each of its hotels across the
Rezidor SAS brands – Radisson SAS, Regent, Park Inn and Country Inns & Suites.
AEDs are a proven tool in the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). It is estimated that 95% of SCA victims do not survive and SCA is the world’s number one
killer, ranking above Aids, breast cancer and traffic accidents combined, and remains a cause of concern for many of today’s travellers. If a guest is affected by SCA, the
level of deterioration in the condition of the patient is rapid and many hotels and staff are not trained or equipped to deal with the situation. Once
SCA has occurred, chances of survival seriously decrease by up to 10% per minute when left untreated. After seven minutes (without defibrillation) almost nobody survives. However, if a
shock is administered within the first three to five minutes of the arrest the chances of survival increase to 74%.
Rezidor SAS will not only be placing the AEDs in the hotels but will also instigate a staff training programme to ensure that they are able to react promptly and accurately
in any given situation.
Speaking about the implementation of the AED’s across the portfolio Kurt Ritter, President and CEO of Rezidor SAS
said, “Having had the life of one of our executives saved by the use of an AED at Chicago Airport in the past I firmly believe that the availability of AEDs in our hotels can save lives and that our guests will view us as a
company prepared to respond to a serious situation which could befall anybody at anytime.”
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