Preston Aviation Solutions, a
Boeing subsidiary, has delivered its Total Airspace and Airport Modeler (TAAM) to the
Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong, China (HKCAD). The contract to supply, install and commission an air traffic control procedures design simulation system at
Hong Kong International Airport was awarded to the Australia-based software development company in December 2003.
TAAM will provide HKCAD with a
mechanism to better visualize, analyze, and manage its airspace and airport environment. The simulation system will assist HKCAD to
effectively evaluate and manage the impact of change and analyze the current and future air traffic procedures and capacity of Hong Kong's regional airspace and
ground movement control operations.
"The labor intensive and intricate task of evaluating proposed airspace and operational procedure changes is expected to be significantly reduced by the use of a
fast-time simulation package such as TAAM", said Thomas Fok, senior electronics engineer of the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong, China. "TAAM will enable us
to consider more airspace re-design alternatives in a shorter time frame than current methods allow."
Preston's delivery of TAAM included a full license of the ATC simulation system, support, hardware, installation and operational and technical training.
The Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong, China, provides air traffic control services to all aircraft operating within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region.
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