Reed Travel Exhibitions
has announced the host destination of their new exhibition, City Break, which will focus on the increasingly important city break sector.
City Break 2006 will take place 12-14 June 2006 in Helsinki, Finland.
Helsinki was selected as one of the European Cities of Culture in the year 2000 and more recently was voted Best Scandinavian Travel Destination at
the ITB in March 2005.
Mark Walsh, Exhibition Director of City Break, said "City Break will move to a different European destination annually giving all delegates the opportunity to experience a
new city each year. Helsinki has been selected to host the first event. It offers quality hotels, interesting visitor attractions, good international access and is a vibrant city
fast becoming a top destination amongst 'city breakers'.
"The professionalism of the people at the Helsinki City Tourist and Convention Bureau is second to none," Walsh added, "We are very confident that they will help us
deliver a fantastic inaugural event."
Pirkko Nyman, Tourist Director of the Helsinki City Tourist and Convention Bureau, commented, "The city of Helsinki is proud and honoured to host the first ever City
Break. Helsinki has already gained a reputation as an important venue for international events and City Break is a unique opportunity for us to demonstrate Helsinki's
capacity and quality to international buyers and exhibitors. In mid June, Helsinki will be at its best - the days are long and bright and the sun hardly sets!
"We are excited about this opportunity and, together with our many partners, will do our very best to make this event both enjoyable and successful."
City Break will be a unique business forum for city and regional tourist boards and suppliers of city breaks. It will give them the opportunity to meet specialist city break
operators in a commercial environment with two days of buyer-driven, pre-scheduled appointments. The event will also provide other networking opportunities
including a welcome reception and gala dinner. In addition, exhibitors will have the opportunity to introduce their products to prospective buyers at a Buyer Meets
Supplier session, which will be held on the first day of the show.
City Break 2006 is sponsored by European Cities Tourism, the leading professional tourism network for European cities, and will take place prior to ECT's annual
summer conference.
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Travel Exhibitions, City