Burba Hotel Network (BHN) has been retained to assist with the organizing and raising the international profile of Mexico’s upcoming Bolsa Mexicana de Inversion
Turistica (BMIT) scheduled for September 7-9, 2005 in Mexico City.
BMIT is hosted by FONATUR and is Mexico’s premier investment event for hoteliers, investors,
lenders, developers and leaders in the tourism industry. The three day conference presents an array of expert speakers on timely topics and trends as well as a venue
for networking and learning about new investment opportunities in Mexico.
About BHN’s participation in
BMIT, president Jim Burba said, “Mexico’s large and vibrant hotel and tourism industry affords many opportunities for hotel investors and developers,
and FONATUR’s vision and role in bringing the BMIT program to the level it has attained is to be commended. We are delighted to have been asked to assist with the
further development of the BMIT and to help make it ‘the place’ to go to get deals done in Mexico.”
Burba met with Mexico’s President Vicente Fox at his official residence of Los Pinos in Mexico City, Mexico while attending the most recent BMIT. Burba was invited to
join a small group of hotel industry leaders, investors and government officials who met with Fox to discuss ways of facilitating and improving hotel and tourism
investment in Mexico.